4 Secret Tips that You as a Man Can Do to Improve Your Overall Health

As a man, when was the last time you prioritized your well-being? If you’re like many men, taking care of your physical and mental health might not be at the top of your to-do list.

Sadly, it’s pretty common for men to prioritize work over their health, and this results in them neglecting healthy habits and avoiding medical attention until it’s an emergency.

Fortunately, making improvements is simpler than you might think. Here are 4 secret tips that you can follow to get started:

Learn New Habits

About 70 percent of men’s health issues stem from lifestyle choices, underscoring the importance of cultivating healthier habits.

According to University Health Network urologist Dr. Dean Elterman, factors such as sufficient sleep, a balanced diet, regular exercise, mental stimulation, meaningful relationships, and a sense of community as important for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Embarking on this journey can begin with minor yet impactful adjustments. This can be in the form of incorporating five minutes of quiet meditation into your routine, opting for the stairs, making healthier food choices, or participating in social activities.

Prioritize Screenings

Routine tests and screenings offer convenient and efficient ways to monitor overall health.

As such, Dr. Elterman advises men to track blood pressure, weight, waist circumference, and exercise tolerance regularly. Additionally, he recommends a PSA blood test for prostate cancer screening starting at age 50.

He also encourages men to undergo blood work to assess cholesterol and glucose levels. It’s also crucial to address urological concerns like erectile dysfunction, incontinence, and infertility with a healthcare professional to facilitate appropriate exams and tests.

It might not sound like it, but addressing urological issues is vital for maintaining a high quality of life for men.

Keep Track of Your Mental Health

Dr. Elterman also emphasizes the increasing recognition of mental health’s significance, equating it with physical well-being.

Recognizing signs of depression and anxiety is crucial, as they may manifest differently in men, such as irritability, loss of interest in daily activities, feelings of hopelessness, sleep disturbances, or changes in weight.

If struggling, it’s highly recommended to seek support from a doctor, friend, family member, or anonymous hotline.

According to Dr. Elterman, mental health is integral to men’s overall well-being, comparable to the importance of diet and exercise. Normalizing mental health discussions among men reduces stigma, making them feel less invincible, more vulnerable, and open to seeking assistance.

Learn How to Spot “Red Flags”

The last secret tip is to learn any potential “red flags” as they come.

Recognizing and communicating troublesome signs or symptoms to your doctor is crucial for prompt and proper treatment. Dr. Elterman advises men to be vigilant about intermittent chest tightness or pain (angina), erectile dysfunction, and elevated blood pressure as indicators of potential cardiovascular issues.

Aside from those, other “red flags” that you should be mindful of include:

  • Weight gain, reduced exercise tolerance, and high blood sugar levels
  • Changes in the urinary stream
  • Fatigue and decreased libido
  • Changes in mood or behavior

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